Friday, June 26, 2009

Last Day of School!!!

Graduation was a great success last night.

This is the last day before my year of begins tomorrow.

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

The adventure will begin soon!

Last night, Alan, Andrew and Alex helped me move most of my furnature from room 114. I think it is just hitting me that I will be on the grand adventure soon.

I have lots of binders and paper to sort through before I go. That will keep me out of mischief.

Last night, Alan, Peter H. and I went to the Penn's home and saw pictures of New Zealand. The Penns provided amazing information about travel, accomodations and places to see. I am looking forward to this trip.

We decided to invite Peter along with us to New Zealand. He is such a good friend of the family. Peter plans on going for the first two weeks of our trip. So far, that means we will explore the north end of New Zealand with Peter. We can hardly wait.