Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Manitoulin Island

Had a wonderful time biking up Ice Lake Road. Took photos of all the flowers. Hope to create a photo story of them. I was pleased to find a pink showy lady slipper.

It rained too much ... so we packed up and went home.

Friday, July 3, 2009

Off To Manitoulin Island

My first official day off for the year began on Saturday the 27th of June!!

We loaded the car and the tent trailer and head up north.

It took over seven hours for Alan and I to drive to the camp, on Manitoulin Island. The camp (Alan's Parents cottage) is on Ice Lake near the town of Gore Bay. We arrived at the camp in time to set up our tent trailer and then off to bed.

We woke to the sound of pouring rain. No cooking for us, we ended up going into town for breakfast and to purchase a few groceries. By the time we returned, it had stopped raining. The rest of the day was spent raking leaves, putting the waterline into the lake, cleaning the outhouse and scrubbing the deck.

Bridal Vale Falls in Kagawong

By the time we made it to bed, we were exhausted. Out the windows fireflies were dancing under the canopy of the trees. It was beautiful in the pitch dark to see so many fireflies.