Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Week 12 - 10th 11th & 12th Dec

Papamoa & Mount Maunganui
10th Dec

We went back to the Mount and hiked the trail around it one last time. It is such a beautiful spot. Once again we met up with many school children on camping holidays with their classes. Today we saw a group out snorkeling....can you imagine! They were having such a great time finding the crayfish...they are like small lobster. They were also examining the jelly fish we could see from the shore.

We have to do the serious packing today. Much of the equipment we purchased for our holiday has to be donated as we do not need to bring back pots & pans!

11th & 12th Dec

Tomorrow we are driving to Auckland to return the car. We will spend the night at a hotel near the airport as our flight to Hawaii is in the morning. Hard to believe that our NZ adventure will soon be over!

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