Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Week 12 - 8th & 9th Dec.

9th Dec. - Mount Maunganui - hiked the trail. Saw a freighter leave the harbour and travel through the narrow opening out to sea. Saw a stingray along the shore. Lots and lots of jelly fish. Also, we saw school camping trips that were hiking the trail and playing on the beach. They were camping at the base of the Mount.

The New Zealand Christmas tree is called the Pohutukawa. They are in full bloom all around the mountain and all over NZ.

In the downtown we saw these christmas trees!

Also, the palm trees are quite spectacular with their orange clusters of flowers.

8th December - Mount Maunganui - hiked up to the top. We took the difficult stair climb up and walked back on the easier track. What a spectacular view! On the way up we passed a grade 10 class hiking the mountain...they were exhausted as it is a diffiult climb. At the top we met their bus driver who said it would take that group ages to get to the top.
At the top we find the California Quails.

Below are pictures of the views from the trail as we climb up then down Mount Maunganui.

Us at the top!

This is one of the easy stair cases in the sheep's field as we climb up. They have these fields to act as a fire break, protecting the top of the mountain.

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