Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Week 1 - Day 2 - Raglan Coast

We woke to pouring rain. It was four in the morning, but with the time change our bodies were quite mixed up. I went back to bed.

Alan navigated the seriously narrow gravel coastal road south of Raglan. We spent the day driving down the coast past Whale Bay on Wainui Road, which was a very narrow gravel road.
Alan has certainly become a local with his driving. The speed limit is 100 km on narrow windy roads.
Luckily for the curves it is posted to slow down to 35. The back seat passenger has found it was a bit challenging taking photos out the windows. It was often too narrow to pull over often.

The scenery was beautiful with sharp hills, orange soil outcrops, limestone cliffs and the most amazing flora and limited fauna.

We have seen very interesting black and white birds, like the crow, but not like the Calgary Magpies. Also, we have seen hawks, rabbits, wild turkeys and many pheasants.

I thought there would be sheep everywhere here in New Zealand. For the last two days we have hardly seen any sheep. Oh, I did see one sheep on the front porch of a house and Alan saw sheep on a golf course. We stopped to chat with the golfers and they explained that it makes money for the club and saves money on green's upkeep - cutting grass and fertilzer.

There seems to be more cattle here in New Zealand. Their milking parlours for the dairy herds are outdoors!

At lunch we had Lamb and Mint potato chips...eat
your heart out Andrew!

We finished the day at Bridal Veil Falls. These falls were 150 feet in height. The area is almost pre-historic when you see the plants. The tall Fern Trees are unbelieveable.

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