Thursday, September 24, 2009

Week 1 - Day 5 - Off to Hamilton

On the way to Hamilton we pass this hill. It is huge, almost a mini-mountain. It is Alan's favourite spot.

This is another view out the back seat of the car! The hills are quite spectacular.
We are off to Hamilton to see the gardens and to the Maori Museum. Oh, and it is raining again, but the temperature has warmed up.

The gardens are quite impressive. We only saw a portion of the gardens as spring has only just arrived. Our favourite part of the garden was this section of the Chinese garden.

The price of Shell gas is much better in Ontario even with the exchange rate!
I just noticed that the date is wrong above each post. That is Ontario's date, we are actually a day ahead here...time travel at its finest!

1 comment:

  1. Hey, I remember my mother telling me that we lived in the Hamilton area when I was little (1-2 years old). Then we moved to another nearby town called Tokoroa, where my Dad worked at a Sawmill.

    Looks like you are heading down towards Rotorua. You will love it there. Jeff J
