Sunday, October 4, 2009

Week 3 - 5 Oct - Off to the Coromandel

The Coromandel coast is spectacular. A very rugged drive. I thought the coastal drive by Raglan was challenging, well this was paved, about a lane and a half wide with harepin turns. It is a major highway so you meet lots of transports. We were on the cliff side, oh and there are no guard rails. I had a difficult time taking pictures as I was hanging on.

We stopped to take pictures at a layaway. There was fresh sheep I warned Alan and sure enough around a corner further on was a sheep and lamb on the edge of the road.

We drove this in heavy rain and Alan could not keep up with the locals today. We decided to stop at the next interesting holiday home. Luckily the Loft was available and we are here to stay for two days. What a lovely place with beautiful gardens.

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