Thursday, October 8, 2009

Week 3 - 10 Oct - Saturday

We left Auckland this morning to head north up the east coast. Surprise, was raining. We had a wonderful day at an open air market finding prawn summer rolls and gluten free- milk free, chocolate-lime fluff cookies. They were almost like mal low cookies at home, only these were home made. Lots of interesting food from smoked fish to fresh sea urchins.

Further down the road was a craft market that was interesting. My favourite picture was an oil painting of an English saddle for $3000. We had fun looking.

Later we went to the 40th anniversary celebrations at Warkworth. The town had shut the main street with interesting booths along the entire length. Alan had sausage sizzlers from a street vendor and I purchased used cuttlery and a tea pot to use on our travels. Suddenly a person came down the street asking everyone to move as a parade was coming through. It was quite fun as the parade squeezed itself up the street through all the booths. It was lead by the local pipe band, followed by the junior surfing lifesavers (cute group) then all the local organizations walked on foot with banners. A Jamacian band played followed by all the churches as they walked together with beautiful banners. None of the churches advertised their own church, they went as one group. The local Maori families came singing, dressed in their local dress and were wonderful. Alan was quite taken by the belly dancers! It was an amazing and unexpected foot parade.

We drove on to Whangarei where we plan on spending a few days exploring.

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