Monday, October 12, 2009

Week 4 - 13 Oct - Raining in Kerikeri

Rain…Rain… Oh well at least we are going into summer. Spent the morning walking about town. We went looking for camping stuff and ended up at a very unusual gluten free restaurant. Had flat whites and cake, which was excellent.

Kerikeri is quaint with a lovely downtown. In the park is this great stone artwork. Apparently it cost 1.5 million. We walk back to the camp and relax a bit before we head out for our next foray to Rainbow falls. This was a beautiful trek through the forest for an hour, again up and down steep hills to the first set of falls. They were lovely. We continued on to the larger set and it was well worth the hike. Pics will follow.

There is a very old stone store that we will have to investigate in a day er so. It is a museum now and is situated in a picturesque part of town.
This is a bird about 1 1\2 feet tall that we see everywhere on the roadsides and in the parks. It is called the Pukeko.

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