Monday, October 26, 2009

Week 6 - 27th October

Tuesday Oct 27th, 2009

We had a wicked rain storm last night and we thought the rain was coming inside the building. We slept in this morning. We try the new grapefruits, but are not too impressed and they are not quite as sweet as the ones from Annette’s tree.

The sun is trying to shine, but it is still raining slightly and we can see the remnants of the rain last night. The creeks and rivers are swollen with rain water and in one place the water was right up to the edge of the road.

Flat whites at the Mission Belle Cafe brought a pleasant surprise. It is owned by an ex school principal who retired and now runs the café. Her dining room is covered in quilts which were truly beautiful.

In Foxton, where it was extermely windy, there is a Dutch windmill in the centre of town.

We find the road into Wellington, the Hutt Valley actually, very blustery as we have a hard time keeping the car on the road. We are staying in a backpacker's lodge tonight, a cabin room with shared kitchen, bathrooms and tv room.

Tonight we had dinner with a New Zealander farmer, Clint Webber, from up Wanganui way...that was quite interesting ... will have dinner with him again tomorrow. He had lots of stories about farming sheep, herding sheep on horse back and breaking in horses for the back country.

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